A strong literacy foundation is essential for success. Kim's program is the best around. She makes learning fun and exciting encouraging even the most reluctant readers. She is the most caring and competent educator on the planet. Keep it up, Kim, because you are making an important impact on the future.  -L. D'Ambola
My daughters reading confidence soars in just a few short weeks with Ms. Kim. She loves attending and is excited to read again. I wish I could bottle up Ms. Kim's positive energy and save it for the school year. It's magic!! -EF
My son greatly benefited from this and from tutoring by Kim Ponte. He reads beautifully and comprehends what he reads completely. This was not the case before Kim started working with him. The tools and techniques she were very effective for him. My husband and I totally believe that his success in reading and comprehension is totally due to the tutoring and Kimbers reading camp. I can't promote Kim's teaching style enough. We believe this was a great investment in our son's future. -Caroline H.
My son developed a love for learning and going to school to learn some more. The staff is very loving and caring. I couldn't of asked for a better place to take my child to. I saw a change instantly. 
Thank you all. -YT

Kim is a treasure as a teacher. She has an incredible ability to motivate our daughter to want to learn to read more fluently. We appreciate that Kim's work with our daughter encompasses not only reading but also writing and reading comprehension. How fun she makes the whole experience is particularly wonderful.

Mrs Kim is an excellent teacher and truly enjoys working with children. -TV

Thank you for the encouragement, kindness, patience and everything you did to help my son read!!

Thank you, T.L.

This camp was exactly what my son needed to get ready for middle school. Not only did they doing reading, the essay writing was also very helpful and makes him and me feel he is prepared for 6th grade. Thanks! -Christine M.

My daughter went from a C+ with reading to an A after attending one of Kimber's Reading Express camps in the summer. Could not be happier! Such a great atmosphere to learn. Highly recommend it!

Words can't express how wonderful Mrs. Ponte's camp has been for our six year old daughter. She came into the camp after a rough year in kindergarten. She left kindergarten believing that she was a "Bad" writer! She dreaded going to school every day. She struggled with her work at school and was very overwhelmed to the point where she would just freeze and shut down.
A friend of mine recommended Mrs. Ponte's camp to me, I thought it couldn't hurt so I signed her up. Sending her was the best gift I could have ever given our daughter! Mrs. Ponte is so loving to all the children and makes them LOVE learning as much as she loves teaching them! We saw a BIG difference in our daughter's reading within the first few days of camp! That's how truly amazing Mrs. Ponte is! She had lost the fun of learning but in a few short weeks her confidence has been restored! She's begging to go back to Mrs. Ponte's camp next year!!!
She plays the songs from camp and dances around the house singing them!
We are forever grateful!

When it comes to literacy, we know that the more experience a child gains at an early age, the better off that child will be in the future. Kim Feehan-Ponte possesses the professional experience and training to provide youngsters with a true academic advantage related to early literacy. A master teacher, Kim will ensure that each child's particular strengths and weaknesses are identified and treated accordingly. In an increasingly competitive academic and economic environment, providing children with the literacy skills that will allow them to flourish and achieve is a wonderful gift. Kim's sessions will undoubtedly become an invaluable part of any child's educational growth.

— Joseph L. Ricca, EdD, Superintendent of Schools, East Hanover Township


Mrs. Kimberly Feehan-Ponte is a gifted teacher whose knowledge, experience, enthusiasm, dedication and teaching skills make her an outstanding educator.  As the Superintendent of Schools, I am aware of her teaching skills both on a personal and professional level. Personally, Mrs. Ponte is a person that I admire and trust.  Professionally, she is a true professional who is an intelligent and compassionate teacher with an immense enthusiasm for teaching reading and literacy skills through individualized and differentiated instruction.


Her positive attitude and love of children are reflected in her outstanding personal character.  This is obvious when you observe how positively her students react to her instruction. Mrs. Ponte has earned the respect of her fellow teachers, parents, school administrators and most importantly her students.  Her success in developing excellent readers is through her ability to assist and encourage students, answer questions, and offer valuable solutions. 

 —Richard A. Spirito, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools (Retired) Hawthorne Public Schools

Kim Ponte has changed our lives! It seems like such a simple sentence, but it is a powerful one if you have gone through with your child what we have with ours. When my daughter and I found Kim, Andrea was in 1st grade, frustrated, and ready to give up on school and ever reading. Andrea had always excelled in academics throughout pre-school. She loved going to school and could not wait for kindergarten. By October of her kindergarten year, she cried everyday and begged me not to make her go to school. She could not understand why letters looked different than she knew they should. She would ask, " Why am I so stupid?"

After seeing many tutors and specialists, we found out she had dyslexia and perception impairment. We thought she would never read and if she did read, never on her own and fluently. After the one session with Kim Ponte, Andrea was smiling and saying, "I know I can do this!"

Kim has a wonderful passion for reading that is contagious and spreads to whomever she is around. She has that wonderful mix of compassion, understanding, knowledge of child development and firmness every child needs. Andrea was being pulled out for small group reading class before we started with Kim to no avail. One year later she is in second grade, no longer in small group and is reading at a beginner 4th grade level! If your child is like mine and has given up on school, or you just need a jump start, Kim Ponte is the person I would recommend without a doubt!
Diane Oliver, Parent of four children and Pre-School teacher

I am writing this letter of recommendation on behalf of Kim Ponte. I have known Mrs. Ponte for twenty-five years, first as a student and later as a teacher.  Mrs. Ponte is a dedicated and consummate professional who is a credit to the educational profession.


On a professional front, Mrs. Ponte has worked diligently to improve the literacy skills of her students.  Personally, she has improved the literacy skills of my grandson who has demonstrated strong command of language literacy skills. I recommend Kim Ponte without reservation.
—Lex Greenwood, Retired Superintendent of Schools, Maywood, NJ

As an educator and a parent, I have seen the positive impact that Kim Ponte can have on children.  She makes learning fun and the children progress quickly through the predictable stages of reading thanks to her ingenious teaching strategies.  The children sing and laugh their way to reading at higher levels than expected.  I feel fortunate that both of my children experienced learning at Kimber’s Reading Express and would highly recommend participation for any child. —Dr. Monica M. Browne, Superintendent Upper Saddle River Schools


Where do I begin to describe the teacher and person Mrs. Kimberly Feehan-Ponte?  I have known Mrs. Ponte for many years but have come to work with her closely over the past 10 years.  All three of my children had the privilege of having Mrs. Ponte for a kindergarten teacher.  Not only did she teach my children how to read fabulously, she also gave them a love of learning which they have carried with them throughout their school years. Mrs. Ponte has a unique personality that makes children just love to be around her and eager to learn all she has to teach them.  She uses songs, rhymes, and other useful techniques that encourage the children to have fun while they are learning a tremendous amount of information in the process. All of her students walk away exceptional and confident readers and are given a great start on their educational journey.  Any child that works with Mrs. Ponte is the luckiest child in the world!

I also know Mrs. Ponte professionally because I am a substitute teacher and former PTO President in the same school as Mrs. Ponte.  I have seen firsthand how her love of children and passion for teaching provide an enriching and wonderful environment for the children.  Everyone at Roosevelt School admires Mrs. Ponte because of her experience and caring and compassionate personality.  I have learned so much myself from Mrs. Ponte and have become a better person and teacher just for having known her.  Lisa Kowalski

I attribute a lot of the success I have had to Kimberly.  She taught me how to read, write and even speak English.  No one would ever know meeting me today that I didn't speak a word of the English language until I was 5.  I am currently working as a producer at a news station en route to being a reporter.  She not only laid a strong foundation for me academically, but she also found and nurtured strengths in me that I never knew I had.  She is a gifted teacher, and I am lucky to say also now a true friend of mine.

—Agnes Chung, Producer, NY1

I have had the honor and privilege of knowing Mrs. Feehan-Ponte both personally and professionally for the past 10 years.  I knew the minute I stepped into her classroom that a unique educator and individual stood before me.  Constant engagement through song and instruction backed by expertise, Mrs. Feehan-Ponte instills a love of learning in any child.  But 10 years ago, I could have never imagined that my own child would be one of them.  My 6 year old daughter Ella participated in Kimber's Reading Express this past summer with great success.  She attended Kindergarten in a high performing school district and was reading at a 4-6 year old age level at the start of the program.  By the completion of Kimber's, she jumped 6 reading levels!  More importantly though than the quantitative data was the excitement in her eyes every day after class.  She was passionate about reading and so proud of her success.  The progress was really instantaneous.  This program is remarkable as is Mrs. Feehan-Ponte.  I know that she is destined to do great things in this world. —Dr. Nicole Fried, School Psychologist

Our son, Brendan, is 7 1/2 years old and has been tutored by Mrs. Ponte for the past 3 1/2 years. As a result, he is a comprehensive reader and is more confident in class. He reads well above his grade level.  Mrs. Ponte's approach is  fun and loving, yet  very effective in getting him to learn and retain information.  Mrs. Ponte is an invaluable component in our son's education.

—Don and Yolanda Knepper, Group VP of Sales for Oracle Corp. and stay home Mom, Hawthorne, NJ

Kimberly, my son Kevin thoroughly enjoyed your camp. Your teaching method was very beneficial to him. Two weeks after the classes are over he still wants to review his class work. He  felt very welcome from the first day. I look forward to future camps and classes. 

—Jerry McDonough, Wyckoff

My daughter attended a three-week session of the Kimber's Reading Express program.  I have to admit at first I was a little apprehensive as to what she could possibly achieve in a matter of three weeks (36 hours).  I can HONESTLY tell you that what she learned in those 36 hours blew away all that she had learned her kindergarten year.  The intense focus on reading was provided to her in a FUN learning environment.  My daughter continues to use the rhymes, chants and songs she learned in the class.  These are tools that she will be able to use forever.  By the end of the program my daughter showed an extreme enthusiasm for reading.

I gave my daughter the opportunity of 36 hours that will stay with her and benefit her for the rest of her life.  Kimberly Feehan-Ponte's talent is unique, her love for children is magnetic; the children just want to do their best for her. Enrolling my daughter in the program was the best gift I could give my daughter. —Kerry Drivanos, Working Mother of three

I am very grateful I was able to put my son into Kimber's Reading Express Camp. Kim Ponte is an amazing teacher. She is compassionate, thorough and very caring. She is great with children and was able to empower my son. He dreaded reading and lacked self-confidence. Over the course of the camp, he went up 4 reading levels in 3 weeks!!! Not only was Kim excited about his progress, but he was excited and proud of himself as well. She really gave him a gift to enjoy reading and learning. He even recently read a book to his baby sister for the first time! —Patti Flannery, Upper Saddle River

I came across a flyer for "Kimber’s Reading Express" while at my daughter's dance school and was caught by the words "read in three weeks".  Having a child entering kindergarten,  the anticipation of what to come was and is still there. I contacted Kim and after a few conversations recognized her love and dedication for what she does. We enrolled our son and from day one it was apparent we made the right decision. It was not easy in the morning, but Ms. Kim usually found a way over that hurdle and smiles greeted us after each class. At completion of the three week session his reading has increased significantly.  Each day progress was evident.  In working with him at home, we were elated to see his excitement as we reviewed and went through homework material that Kim provided.  I definitely would recommend Kimber’s Reading Express to friends and family. Thank you Ms. Kim for bringing enjoyment to reading! —Carletta Lindie-Fowlkes, North Haledon

I can't begin to thank you enough for the wonderful job you did with Mack this summer. He started this summer with little confidence and weak reading skills and thanks to you he has total blossomed into a strong reader. He loved going to camp and I am amazed at how much he accomplished in so little time. I would recommend EVERYONE who has a young reader to attend reading express. The tools learned were just invaluable. I also have to laugh because the moms simply adore you too!!!!!!!! I wish you could teach at St. E's because you are such an asset to a child. —Leslie Gutjahr, Wyckoff, NJ

My son, Joseph, has been working with Mrs. Ponte for two summers now. She is an exceptional tutor. She motivates Joseph to work to his full potential. She has taught him techniques that he has applied to his school work. He loves all of her rhyming songs! Joseph looks forward to Mrs. Ponte coming each week, as do I. Her passion for teaching children is evident. I was so happy to find her and I would highly recommend her.

—Natalie B., Wyckoff

Anthony started with Kim Ponte at the beginning of the summer.  He was at a first grade level.  By the end of the summer he is almost at third grade level. He struggled through Kindergarten, First Grade and Second Grade.  In a few weeks Kim got him to where he needs to be in order to start Third Grade this year.  Just like the commercial...this is priceless to me just to know my son won't be frustrated in schooland has more self confidence to read independently.  Anthony and I looked forward to his hour with Kim, he says she is fun.  I can't express my gratitude enough!  Kim is a blessing!!  I have recommended her and will continue to do so! —Theresa Sasso, Midland Park, NJ

My 5 year old daughter entered Mrs. Ponte's Kindergarten class ready to learn.. she came out on a 4th grade reading level! You can't beat that. Mrs. Ponte is a true original. She fully engages the children with songs and entertaining rhymes, there is never a dull moment. Her unique teaching style, friendly and outgoing disposition, and genuine love of children is not to be matched. She is progressive and in tune with what the children need to learn. She treats the children like they are her own -- boosting their self esteem and self confidence. She goes above and beyond every day.  —Leslie Martelli-Hines,Mom

We were very pleased with Miss Kim and her ability to get our reluctant reader excited about reading. She unlocked the door that was not to willing to open. We have an older son who is a voracious reader so we thought that getting our kindergartner (Christoph) to read would be easy. Each child is so different. What worked for the older one did not work for the younger and we all got very frustrated. She managed to get him to have some confidence and understand that it was a lot easier than he thought. He was resistant with us (his parents) because he had already been in kindergarten and was trying to memorize all the words. That works great for sight words and a small vocabulary but he needed the next big push. Miss Kim and her assistant did just that with fun and excitement. He wanted to go to her class everyday, even though it was summer break. She gave him tools (songs, language and reading skills and repetition) to be able to be comfortable with the reading to grow a good vocabulary. He still will sing the word "onomatopoeia" when ever we read a sound word like "boom". Her experience as a teacher clearly shows because she developed his reading level over a very short time. She evaluated him in the beginning and then everyday after. Every day we were given home work that followed onto what was done in class. We still use the word family card idea to build his vocabulary. She sent home reading booklets every day which we reread and could see the progress. Overall, we were very happy with enrolling our son in the program and would recommend it to anyone who has a child struggling or that want to prepare them better for first grade. It is well worth every penny. —Anne R.  Wayne, NJ



I am the librarian at Mrs. Ponte's school. I have witnessed first hand the incredible transformation that her students go through during Kindergarten. Mrs. Ponte is a positive and enthusiastic educator. She is incredibly supportive, accommodating and patient with her students. She celebrates each little success they achieve. I have seen students go from no reading ability to 4th grade levels in one year. My nephew is one of those children. He came to school feeling that he did not want to be there. Halfway through the year, he could not wait to get to school. She creates a contagious learning environment through her songs and dances and chants. Students remember her and her lessons for years afterword. Her students come into my class knowing the difference between fiction and non-fiction. It is amazing to hear them tell stories and watch them write stories using all the skills she has taught.  If I could go back to school, I would want to be a student in her class.  —Jueine Pallotta, Librarian, Roosevelt Elementary School

Kim has made such a huge difference in my son’s ability to read.  In just 8 short weeks, he went from 3 letter sight words to being able to breakdown and read larger chunks.  She has such an amazing way with kids, so much spunk and energy –she truly has made such a big difference!!”  Ramona J. Malki, Ramsey,NJ

Our son Trevor was first introduced to Mrs. Kim when he was in first grade. We learned about Mrs. Kim through a friend whose children had benefited from her expertise. Trevor had tried another training institute that didn't quite fit his needs. However, Mrs. Kim has made learning enjoyable. He has progressed quickly and is secure and happy in school. Trevor has achieved all of his goals with the help of Mrs. Kim. We are very thankful to her. —Luanne, Wyckoff, NJ

Seven months in Kim's kindergarten class and my son is on a 3rd grade reading level.  We are grateful that he will benefit from this educational boost for the rest of his life.

—Brian C. Della Pesca, MA LPC, NJ Licensed Professional Counselor

I am a mother of a seven year old boy. When my son walked into Mrs. Ponte's kindergarten class he could only read a few simple words. I thought to myself, "How is he ever going to learn to read?" I didn't realize that my son was actually being taught by what I like to call her....the Reading Whisperer! Kim Ponte has a gift. I haven't actually seen her magic wand, but I am convinced that she has one.  After only a few weeks, my son was reading sentences. Ultimately, my son was on a third grade reading level. Trust me.......Mrs. Ponte is a rare jewel. Marla Castellanos

"Kim tutored me in English for several years beginning at age three. She taught me how to read and write, and she provided me with a strong literacy base that I was able to build upon. Her guidance has been invaluable to my development  into a confident and conscientious student. Currently, I am finishing up my last year at Georgetown University."  —Christine H. Chung Glen Rock, NJ

Mrs. Ponte is an educational treasure, who has a real talent and passion for reading which she shares willingly with her students. Due to her amazing skill, my son, was reading far above the level at which he finished kindergarten. Although he is a very active child, for whom concentration is a challenge, he loved going to reading camp everyday. As a fellow elementary school teacher, I recognize Mrs. Ponte’s incredible talent. There is no doubt that I will re-enroll my son for next summer!  --Gina White, Third Grade Teacher

My son is 6 years old and has been struggling with learning his letters since he was in pre-k. I was told he was the youngest in his class and his immaturity and lack of focus was affecting him with his learning, specifically his reading. He is a September baby (which i was told made him of the youngest child in the class) and I kept hearing this from everyone which I could not understand how this was only affecting him. So I put him in different summer camps, got him a tutor two days a week and had him pulled in school for extra help. Although he improved he still could not read and did not feel confident in this area. In conversation with a colleague at work she mentioned Kimber's Reading Express and immediately I looked into signing up my son. That was the best decision my husband and I have made. He worked with Mrs. Ponte for three weeks in the summer in her camp and his confidence, knowledge, focus, and love for reading and learning has improved 100%. My son is the type of child that if he can get away with not doing something he will, yet after his time in Mrs. Ponte's camp his confidence has increased so much that he challenges himself to read and identify letters. Although he still has a way to go I am so impressed with his success that I want to sign him up again next summer and have Mrs. Ponte tutor him once a week during the school year. Her technique, style, passion, love and affection towards not only her teaching but the kids has helped my son love and look forward to learning how to read. I am very impressed with Mrs. Ponte and I thank her for helping us with our son and being so loving and patient with him and us. 
--Tatiana Nunez, Branch Auditor for JPMorgan Chase Bank (Very happy parent) 

Dear Kim,

I wanted to take the time and thank you for your help with Brandon during the weeks he was in your camp.He learned a lot and enjoyed himself quite a bit while there.

He still listens to the CD and has improved his reading skills. I will certainly recommend your program to friends.Hope you have a great rest of summer.


Isolina Fernandez-Kirchner